The New Ethnic Studies: Issues and Methods

Joint Research Workshop with The Freie Universität of Berlin

18 בפברואר 2015, 9:30 
הפקולטה למדעי הרוח, בניין גילמן, חדר 496 
The New Ethnic Studies: Issues and Methods


The S. Daniel Abraham Center for International & Regional Studies 


The Sverdlin Institute of Latin American History & Culture


The Elías Sourasky Chair of Iberian & Latin American Studies


take pleasure in inviting you to a


Joint Research Workshop:



The New Ethnic Studies: Issues and Methods




Raanan Rein, Stefan Rinke and Nadia Zysman



18-19 February 2015,     room 496


Gilman Bldg., the Lester and Sally Entin Faculty of Humanities, Tel Aviv University


Free Entrance


For more information, please contact:



February 18


Opening Lecture: 09:30-10:30

Moderator: Leo Corry, Tel Aviv University

Jeffrey Lesser, Emory University: “It's Raining Categories and Dogmas: Remaking Ethnic Studies in the Age of Identities”


Coffee break   10:30- 11:00


Session I: 11:00-12:15

Moderator: Iris Rachamimov, Tel Aviv University

Stefan Rinke, Free University of Berlin: “The Reconstruction of National Identity: German Minorities in Latin America during the First World War”

Benjamin Bryce, University of Northern British Columbia: “Between Community and Nation: British, French and German Schools in Buenos Aires, 1880-1930”


Session II – 12:30-13:45

Moderator:  Alberto Spektorowski, Tel Aviv University

Raanan Rein, Tel Aviv University: “Melting the Pot? Peronism, Jewish-Argentines and the Struggle for Diversity”

Adriana Brodsky, St Mary’s College of Maryland: “Burekas, Guefilte Fish, Milanesas, and Petit Fours:  Jewish Argentine Cookbooks, Ethnicity and Class in 20th Century Argentina”


Lunch break: 14:00-16:00


Session III: 16:00-17:15

Moderator: Leonardo Senkman, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Nadia Zysman, Free University of Berlin: “Descosiendo Fronteras: migración judía y relaciones de género en el mundo textil de Buenos Aires y São Paulo, 1880–1960”

Mariusz Kałczewiak, Tel Aviv University and Gissen University: “Becoming Jewish-Polish... Landsmanshaftn and the Making of an Old Home”


Coffee break: 17:15-17:45


Session IV: 17:45-19:00

Moderator: Alex Kerner, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Ariel Noyjovich, Tel Aviv University: “‘Para un árabe no hay nada mejor que otro árabe’: Ciudadanía, etnicidad y nacionalidad en los discursos de Juan Perón”

Mauricio Dimant, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem: “Ethnicity and Federalism in Latin America: The Legitimacy of Minorities in Subnational Politics in Argentina”


February 19


Session V: 10:00-11:15

Moderator: Leonardo Senkman, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Valeria Navarro, University of Wisconsin-Madison: “Voices from the Non-Affiliated Jewish Community: Oral History in Recent Jewish-Chilean History”

Claudia Stern, Tel Aviv University:  “The Convergence of Otherness: Arabs and Jews in Chile in the 1930’s”


Coffee break: 11:15-11:45


Session VI: 11:45-13:00

Moderator: Ori Preuss, Tel Aviv University

Jerry Dávila, University of Illinois: “Racism and Antiracism in Brazil’s Katherine Dunham Case”

Atalia Shragai, Tel Aviv University and The Open University of Israel: “Inconclusive Whiteness: U.S. Migrants in Costa Rica 1945-1980”


Lunch break: 13:00-15:00


Session VII: 15:00-16:15

Moderator: Michael Zakim, Tel Aviv University

Michael Goebel, Free University of Berlin: “The Political Networks of Africans, Asians, and Latin Americans in Interwar Paris”

Yael Mabat, Tel Aviv University: “Born Again as a ‘New Indian’: Foreign Missionaries and Local Converts in the Andean Highlands, 1910-1930”


Coffee break: 16:15-16:45


Session VIII: 16:45-18:00

Moderator: Tzvi Tal, Sapir College

Amalia Ran, Tel Aviv University: “The Chamamé and Argentinean Popular Music as Ethno-Musical Spaces”

Gabriela Jonas Aharoni, Sapir College: “Costumbrismo en telenovelas y dramas seriados argentinos o la oportunidad de discutir y re-pensar cuestiones de identidad”






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